I am a visual creator who navigates between the realms of design and fine art, drawing inspiration from each to continuously evolve my craft by incorporating new media into my process.

My focus lies in exploring the fundamental elements of the visual experience: color, form, space, texture, and adding movement to the compositions with transparent, reflective and refractive objects. I am fascinated by the beauty and expressive potential of materials, as well as their interactions with each other and with light. Leveraging digital tools enables me to manipulate
and enhance these intrinsic characteristics, resulting in expressive distortions that add depth
and complexity to my work.

Each artwork is a meticulously crafted journey of discovery. Through modeling, layering, adjusting element attributes, and manipulating light, I create sculptural scenes where elements interact to form visuals that transcend each individual component. The resulting images captured by the camera offer unique perspectives on three-dimensional compositions.

The digital realm allows for surprises to emerge, fostering a sense of continuous learning and collaboration with the software. Additionally, it enables the generation of multiple 2D artworks from a single 3D model, allowing each piece to assume different personalities and perspectives.
